KANGARE is a fictitious country for which mock-up but “realistic” data have been created in order to test producing ecosystem natural capital accounts. It follows the guidelines of the CBD Technical Series Report No 77 on “ECOSYSTEM NATURAL CAPITAL
ACCOUNTS: A QUICK START PACKAGE” edited “for implementing Aichi Biodiversity Target 2 on Integration of Biodiversity Values in National Accounting Systems in the context of the SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounts“.

KANGARE version 3 is now available in French.It can be downloaded using this link

English version forthcoming.

The KANGARE (pronounce Kangaré) tutorial is an initiation to the practice of ecosystem natural capital accounting. Objectives are to measure the ecosystem capability to deliver what makes our livelihood, what we use after transformation by the economy or directly, privately or in common. And to assess when and where misuse of the natural resource is the cause of ecosystem degradation. As ecosystem accounts are compiled for statistical units defined as geographical objects, the ENCA-QSP tutorial makes use of a geographical information system.

The KANGARE tutorial is made of two modules:

    1. KANGARE ENCA-QSP Tutorial Module 1: An accounting manual v.01 supplemented by exercise spreadsheets, a set of data, and the original CBD TS77 accounting tables used as support documents. The first module was developed by Jean-Louis Weber.
    2. KANGARE ENCA-QSP Tutorial Module 2: A software kit. The software kit proposes a very friendly approach to the most recent data processing technology – the same which is used in familiar tools such as smartphone or web maps. It has been developed by Cédric Lardeux from ONF International. A standalone version can be operated from an USB key which includes a bootable version of Unbuntu, QGIS and LibreOffice as well as the Module 1 (including Kangaré manual and data and documentation). The tutorial can be implemented as well with QGIS and LibreOffice using MSWindows.

It can be noted that as long as the data formats are either standard or convertible, the implementation of KANGARE ENCA-QSP  can be with little difficulty done with different non-commercial or commercial software GIS and spreadsheet software packages. It will require however adaptations and developments which are not included in the present tutorial. Such developments are allowed by the Creative Commons license “Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)” which covers Module 1 (see below).

  • Introduction: presentations at the first training session which has taken place at the CBD COP12 in Pyongyang, Republic of Korea, October 2014
  1. KANGARE ENCA-QSP Tutorial Module 1

It includes the following components:

1. 1 The KANGARE Manual v.01

1.2 The KANGARE Data and Exercises folder

1.3 The ENCA simplified model of integrated accounting, a spreadsheet with sliders showing how the various ENCA components interact.

These three components are covered by the CC license.

In addition, the technical documentation needed for using QGIS is provided as .pdf files and videos. This documentation is part of KANGARE ENCA-QSP Tutorial Module 2 which is covered by another open access license ( CeCILL).

2. KANGARE ENCA-QSP Tutorial Module 2

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About ecosystem natural capital accounting